JSONREPO is a single service API that encapsulates 30+ API endpoints under one roof. Our platform allows you to communicate with one service instead of many for all your development needs. This documentation page enumerates all the endpoints and functionality available for you to use.

We recommend that you start off by reading our Authentication Guide. All of our endpoints are constructed to be easily consumed and processed by your scripts and programming language of choice. We also urge all our users to read and pay close attention to the Error Rules as it is very important for you to understand why they occur and how to handle them.

Important Note:

Please note that the API docs are currently work in progress and subject to change. As we push out new versions with more features, this documentation will evolve to reflect these changes.

Bulk Data Download:

If you need a complete data dump of our entire database, reach out to us. We offer that as a separate service option.

If you have any questions, considerations or would like to recommend for us an API to add to our catalogue, please reach out to us using one of the following channels: Twitter, Discord or Email.

Happy Coding!


Select an endpoint to see code samples here!