Passphrase API


Generate a passphrase string based on your input parameters.




Field Description
api_key Required Your API Key


Field Type Description
size Integer Optional Number of words in the Passphrase
Default: 8
Min: 3
Max: 30
capitalize String Optional Specify if you want all words capitalized
Default: true
Set to false to disable
delimiter String Optional Specify the delimiter
Default: "-"
Delimiter can be up to 10 characters long

About this endpoint:

The words generated by this functions are taken from a Lorem corpus. Reason for this choice is because non-english words are typically less targeted by dictionary attacks which increases the overall security of the output.


A successful request will result in a populated payload field with the expected output.

A failed request will result in an error output as detailed in Error Rules. If the endpoint validation fails due to missing, badly formatted or invalid parameters, the endpoint will return HTTP code 400 along with a message detailing the error.

See the examples section for more information.


  • Curl
// Generate a 5 word passphrase with "#" as delimiter

curl -G \ \
-H "api_key: {YOUR_API_KEY_HERE}" \
--data-urlencode "size=5" \ 
--data-urlencode "delimiter=#" 

Success Response

    "http_code": 200,
    "http_message": "Ok",
    "message": "Successful execution",
    "payload": {
        "passphrase": "Consequatur#Repudiandae#Vel#Quaerat#Autem"

Error Response Examples

// Request with badly formatted `size` parameter

    "http_code": 400,
    "http_message": "Bad Request",
    "message": "Malformed request: `size` parameter must be between 3 (min) and 30 (max). Default is 8.",
    "payload": []

// Request with an oversized `delimiter`

    "http_code": 400,
    "http_message": "Bad Request",
    "message": "Malformed request: `delimiter` cannot be more than 10 characters long.",
    "payload": []