TV & Movies API


Search, or get recommendations from, our TV & Movies database with over 600k entries curated from a variety of sources.

Bulk Data Download:

If you need a complete data dump of our entire TV Shows & Movies database, reach out to us. We offer that as a separate service option. Trying to scrape our APIs is not recommended as you'll end up consuming your monthly request allowance.




Field Description
api_key Required Your API Key


Field Type Description
imdb_id String Optional IMDB ID
title String Optional The title of the TV show or the movie (case insensitive)
limit Integer Optional Number of results
Default: 10
Range: 1 <= limit <= 20

Random Recommendations:

If none of the optional search fields imdb_id or title is provided, the endpoint will return a set of size limit random TV shows or Movies.

Parameter Interaction:

If multiple optional fields are provided, an AND operation will be executed. In most cases this is not helpful. Searching for imdb_id & title is the same as searching for imdb_id without the title as the former is always unique. For best possible matches, use only one of the optional search fields.

Search Strictness:

Our Tv & Movies database is large. It contains 600k+ records with more to come. For search to be effective and return appropriate results rather than unexpected hits that just might happen to match your search term partially, we've decided to implement a strict search policy for the title parameter. That means when providing a title parameter, only the records that start with your input will be searched for.

Title Encoding:

The title parameter is UTF-8 ready. Any non-english characters can be sent as is without any pre-processing or conversions on your end. Example: "U Pana Boga w ogródku" will be accepted as a title by this endpoint as long as the parameter was provided with the correct URL-encoding.


A successful request will result in a populated payload field with the expected output.

A failed request will result in an error output as detailed in Error Rules. If the endpoint validation fails due to missing, badly formatted or invalid parameters, the endpoint will return HTTP code 400 along with a message detailing the error.

See the examples section for more information.

Request 1: Random Books

  • Curl
// Get 10 random TV Shows or Movies

curl \ \
-H "api_key: {YOUR_API_KEY_HERE}"

Success Response

    "http_code": 200,
    "http_message": "Ok",
    "message": "Successful execution",
    "payload": {
        "entries": [
                "id": 589602,
                "imdb_id": "tt1848913",
                "title": "Goy",
                "released": "2007-12-31",
                "revenue": "",
                "runtime": 79,
                "budget": 500000,
                "directors": [
                    "Felix Kersting",
                    "Marc Schaumburg"
                "cast": [
                    "Yvonne Zima",
                    "Christoph Krisea",
                "language": "en",
                "story": "One lie in the past can change the future.",
                "genres": [
                "production": [
                    "Meb Entertainment",
                    "Magnus Entertainment",
                    "Accomm Entertainment"
                "keywords": [],
                "db_entry_last_updated_at": "2024-07-25 08:46:52"

            // 9 more entries below

Request 2: Search

  • Curl
// Search for a entry by `imdb_id`

curl -G \ \
-H "api_key: {YOUR_API_KEY_HERE}" \
--data-urlencode "imdb_id=tt0470752"

Success Response

    "http_code": 200,
    "http_message": "Ok",
    "message": "Successful execution",
    "payload": {
        "entries": [
                "id": 174,
                "imdb_id": "tt0470752",
                "title": "Ex Machina",
                "released": "2015-01-21",
                "revenue": 36869414,
                "runtime": 108,
                "budget": 15000000,
                "directors": [
                    "Alex Garland"
                "cast": [
                    "Tiffany Pisani",
                    "Sonoya Mizuno",
                "language": "en",
                "story": "Caleb, a coder at the world's largest internet company, wins...",
                "genres": [
                    "Science Fiction"
                "production": [
                    "Dna Films",
                    "Film4 Productions",
                    "Iac Films",
                    "Scott Rudin Productions"
                "keywords": [
                    "Artificial Intelligence (a.i.)",
                "db_entry_last_updated_at": "2024-07-25 08:47:06"

Error Response Examples

// Request with invalid `limit` parameter

    "http_code": 400,
    "http_message": "Bad Request",
    "message": "Malformed request: `limit` parameter must be between 1 (min) and 20 (max). Default is 10.",
    "payload": []