Lookup any Google search terms or keywords to find out more about their overall search volume, competition and fit for your SEO strategy.
Explore keyword opportunities for your existing website with the help of our AI.
Every execution generates recommendations based on linguistic markers extracted directly from your website's content.
Find keywords that start with, ends with, adjacent or related to your seed phrase using AI.
A tool made for exploring keyword opportunities that may not be obvious to your competitors.
Combine up to 3 lists of words to aggregate keywords that matters to your target audience.
Utilize our prefill templates to search for the most likely keywords that will satisfy your needs. We provide prefill templates that can be extended based on your needs.
Find long-tail keyword opportunities by searching through our massive database of previously searched Google questions.
Our AI will dig through endless amount of data to recommend to you semantically relevant long-tail keywords that fits whatever topic you have in mind.
Looking to find programmatic seo (pseo) strategies but not sure where to start? Our AI will inspire you with linguistic recommendations that you can adapt your data to.
We use 3 different AI models to help parse out your website's content and suggest URL pseo strategies that can help you target the right customers.
Stuck trying to find a brand names for an idea that you've had for a long time?
Our AI will help recommend brand profiles based on their linguistic readability and memorability.
Your domain name is your most important branding asset. With the help of our AI you can find you a domain name that fits your business idea in no time.
Blogging is one of your best tools for connecting with your audience and acquiring new customers.
Let our AI help you generate ideas for your next piece of content based on Google's search data.
All our tools are accessible via API endpoints that you can tap into regardless of language or framework. Simply fire away a request to our servers and we'll take care of the rest for you.
See our documentation page for more information.
// Lookup Google search data for keywords
curl -X POST \
https://api.jsonrepo.com/v1/seo/keyword_checker \
--data-urlencode "keywords[]=best sunglasses" \
--data-urlencode "keywords[]=weird outfits" \
--data-urlencode "keywords[]=invoice aggregator" \